
Purge, Clean, and Organize

This is the master plan this weekend. Hubby and I are off for another long weekend and will be working feverishly to get our house in some sort of order! I loathe clutter and it is starting to put me in a mood!

The basement is still "in progress" - meaning that nothing else has been done since we've taken up the carpet and moved everything in the unfinished part. We have a shell of a living room - tv, couch and toy chest. That's about it. We hit a snag and are trying to fix that problem but it's close!!!! I know it. Plus, we were setting aside money every month in our budget for the supplies but we found out we are getting bonuses in our January checks, so we opted to use some of that to finally finish everything up in there - quick!

The unfinished side will get an overhaul as well. Ever since moving my crafting station in there, I have now decided to add to it. It will now be a painting, crafting, and wrapping station. There is a peg board already in place above the table, so it just needs some dowls and a small shelf to hold odds and ends. Check out this from Sippycups - great inspiration! The other shelves that were purchased months ago will now hold all those bulky kitchen appliances that are used far and few between as well as some entertaining dishes, napkins, etc. I want to have easy access, but I want it out of the way. The other shelves that are down there will hold stuff like coolers, toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning supplies!

Upstairs will be more of an issue, especially in LH's room. I try to do this type of organizing when he is not there, but he might have to be witness to toy parts getting trashed, old "baby" toys getting stored, and making room for all his new items!

Onto the "spare" room, aka office, aka junk room = MESS! Even hubby thinks its bad! It's really bad. There are piles of whatever we needed to get off the kitchen counters or wrapping supplies to baby stuff from where we kept my niece! ALL of it will be cleaned out. There is a closet in there with shelves that hubby so graciously put in for me when we moved in almost 4 years ago. Originally they were for those miscellanious kitchen and entertaining items previously discussed, along with wrapping supplies and gifts thrown in that has now turned into a catch all from extra easter eggs, baskets, etc. Well, now that I have a place to put all that stuff downstairs in the basement, I should be able to utilize it more for other things - like extra sheets/towels that are spilling out of the linen closet.

We have a plan. It has to go in a certain order or we will get frustrated and it won't work or make any sense! It's almost like a domino affect. In order for one area to be cleaned out, another area has to be prepped! We will get this done. I will document the progress...BEFORE and after!

I'm on a mission!

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