
Keep on Going

That is my motto for today!

Since I work part time, I don't reap any benefits (besides every Friday off and a super flexible schedule), but no real benefits. I am blessed to be covered under Hubby's insurance and what I make part time is almost as much as some full time jobs out there, but I don't get paid holidays, vacation time, or sick leave!

With said flexible schedule, I can adjust my hours in my pay period to make sure that when a holiday is near I can still work my full amount of hours in a shorter amount of time - which is great, except I'm exhausted!

I love my Fridays off (and Thursday afternoons) but when this week rolls around, I get in a funk because I know that I have to be in the office everyday all day! I shouldn't be whining, but it just brings me down! You would think that it wouldn't affect my mood until Thursday afternoon around 2 (when I should be leaving for the weekend) but I think I set myself up for a gloomy week knowing that I'll be here the whole time!!!

The funny thing is, its not the work that is the gloomy part, its the stuff that I know I can't get done because I have to work - I've been completely spoiled with saving all my errands for Thursdays and Fridays that I take for granted that all these people that work full time have only evenings and weekends for all of that.

Ok, so with that said, I'm going to start thinking positively and remember that I'm blessed to have such a wonderful job and I will get it all done....ALL of it....just like any other full time working mom!

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

Glad to know you appreciate us Full-Time working moms!!!! But I would be just as bummed if I were you this week.