
Sick as a dog!!!

Yep, before I could even get the dang shot, I got the flu....I guess that's what it was!
We had a great trip to 'Tuckey, as Little Hauss would say to visit Hubby's brother and sister in law and cousin! Little Hauss is only about 3 months older than his cousin and it makes for perfect playing! They were so excited to see each other....cousin wouldn't even take a nap on Friday, then crashed shortly after we got there due to all the anticipation.
We had a great time visiting, playing and just letting boys be boys! ALL boys that is....the little ones kept the mamma's busy while the big boys went down the road to some casinos in WV that recently got table games...poker, blackjack, and craps! The oldest brother met them there and they had a good day of fun! Hubby did fairly well and came home a winner!!! Something I always like to hear!
We did visit this place called the Pumpkin House. It was amazing. Pumpkins are donated and volunteers work it but its spectacular. They are carved with everything from sports, to food, to muscial instruments to medicines, ect....it really is a sight. Totally FREE. I forgot my camera! Yep, felt like I left a limb at home, but luckily my sister in law takes wonderful photos so I will have some for posting later! There was this one wall of pumpkins that were carved of muscial instruments and it lit up to different songs as those instruments were being played...mostly classical...It was wonderful. Little Hauss could have sat there all night and watched!
So, on Saturday night I felt a little run down, but took something and slept well, but woke up and didn't feel any better. The ride home wasn't that great...I slept and then I took a 3 hour nap after we got back! Hubby did a great job of taking over! Dinner, unpacking, laundry, church for Little Hauss (and snack) , bath, bed....then all over again the next morning....breakfast, dressed, and off too school!!! I could barely move yesterday and stayed on the couch most of the time! I did have to take a shower, but it really didn't make me feel much better! I ended up with a fever of 101 and aches and pains for days! I'm just now starting to feel a little better! I hope that's all I get of anything for the rest of the season!

Well, the polls are closed.......lets see how it all works out! I'm anxious!!!

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