
20 items or less!

I'm pretty sure the cashier at Kroger this afternoon needed a happy pill! If you are that stressed about your job as a grocery store cashier, maybe you should find a new *career*. I'm sure the 10%+ of americans out of work would be grateful for her income.

I braved the store. I was not looking forward to it after a coworker went around 11 this morning just to order a cake and was telling me how sparce the shelves were, how crazy the lines were, and how rude the people were! I waited until after "lunch" and went around 1:30. I got a little nervous as I had to park about 6 rows away from the store's entrance then had to wait for a buggy, but it turned out to be a fairly easy trip.

I will admit I did get milk, eggs and bread, but only to stock - I actually have plenty at home, but didn't want to have to go back in a few days just for those items, so while I was out....
I was taking advantage of the great deals this week matched up with my coupons and trying to stockpile even more. If anyone is in need of mustard, ketchup and capri suns, I have you covered! Not to mention all the other pantry items I've been hoarding lately!

I didn't have a lot. I didn't count, but I knew I was ok for the express lane. I was unloading my stuff and the cashier made a very loud, haste comment about she was only the express lane and could have 20 items or less and didn't even have a bagger! The lady behind me made some comment about she didn't have that many. I ignored her and kept unloading. I was waiting for her to say something directly to me, because I'm sure my hormones might have kicked into overdrive and told her that if she didn't want to ring it up, she was more than welcome to transfer all my items to another lane!

I was very satisfied when she rang up all my items, took my coupons and bagged all my groceries knowing that I had exactly 20 items! I know she totally expected me to have so much more. It did look like it was a little over, but I wasn't moving! I didn't appreciate that she practically threw my items past the scanner to the bagging area. I am fairly certain some of them didn't even take a ride on the conveyor belt!

I was proud of Kroger for having plenty of the necessities on hand in order to prepare for our next big winter storm this weekend!! There were crates upon crates of bread in the aisle so everyone shouldn't have to fight for a loaf!!

I guess I'll keep myself busy being snowed in again - cooking and baking filling the freezer!

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