
Paint or Stain


I've been researching the basement floor issue - duh, I research everything. Well, it's moved from an issue to a new project! Officially! We will be pulling up carpet on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully we will finish it Friday, but have to leave the Saturday morning as an option!

The removal of carpet is a definite. The finish of the floor is up for debate. We've heard good and bad things about painting. We haven't had a chance to visit any stores and talk with anyone about specifics or even look at color options. And, you know me, I've gotta have a plan. So, the plan is to remove the nasty carpet. Regardless of what we decide to do with the actual concrete, we will be getting some sort of rug or remnant so we can start looking at those. Even if we have to live with the bare floor for a few weeks, I'm okay with that and I think Hubby is too!

This will be my first major project in the house. I've never removed carpet and think it will be fun! Poor Little Hauss loves to help out and we aren't going to let him because he doesn't need to be breathing in fibers and dust and all that while we are working. I haven't told him he won't be helping yet, so yesterday in the car after a quick conversation with Hubby about the project, LH said "Mama, I don't know how to pull up carpet!" Too sweet! I told him I didn't know either, so it would be okay! He was fine after that!

Now, there are some pros and cons to painting and staining and we just have to find the right one for us. I hope to get a lot of answers this weekend when we can actually go talk to someone and look at the different products!

Inside Out

Well, you know it's one of "those" days when you put your undies on inside out......and don't realize it until after work!!!!
That was me yesterday - and I'm like an 80 year old woman in the potty about every 2 hours! Oblivious!